Return Policy

If your product is defective / damaged or incorrect / incomplete at the time of delivery, please contact us within the 7 Days; Return and refund. No questions asked. Your product may be eligible for refund or replacement depending on the product condition.

Please note that some products are not eligible for a return if the product is “No longer needed”.

Custom made items labeled as non-returnable on their product detail pages can’t be returned.

Conditions for Returns
The product must be unused, unworn, unwashed and without any flaws.

The product must be returned in the original and undamaged manufacturer packaging / box.

If a product is returned to us in an inadequate condition, we reserve the right to send it back to you.

Returns Reasons
Delivery of a product that is damaged (physically destroyed or broken) / defective (faulty or malfunctioning) condition

Delivery of a product that is incorrect (presentation different on website) / incomplete (missing parts)

Delivery of a product that is “No longer needed” (you no longer have a use for the product / you have changed your mind about the purchase / you do not like the product after opening the package) – eligible for selected products only